D.Enoch Foday
Director-Environmental Policies
Based in Monrovia Liberia, Foday is a Co-Founder and Director at EcoLife Environmental Initiative. He is a seasoned Environmental Advisor with a special focus in medium and large-scale Health, Energy, Mining, Agriculture and Water Projects. Among his key consulting roles, is to provide technical expertise and support on research design, methodology, and data collection instruments and develop, apply, and monitor environmental programs and policies.
Mr. Foday has a proven track record working on complex projects where his expertise was highly utilized. He has extensive knowledge on current continental and global environmental regulations which allows him to review company practices against them (regulations). Liberia having previously adopted mining and energy models aligned to various key national and regional development agenda, Enoch has been part of the counsel (on implementation) to various Government Ministries such as Health and several UN agencies operating in Liberia.
He holds a Master of Arts (MA) Environmental Planning and Management from the University of Nairobi, Kenya and a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology (Bsc) University of Liberia, Fendelle. Alongside a certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit from the Africa Nazarene University.