Khadija Mrisho
Advisor- Gender & Land Tenure (Tanzania & E.Africa)
Khadija is an advocate of the High Court of Tanzania and a Land Tenure Analyst with eight (8) years’ experience in land tenure policies, legal and regulatory reforms; customary land rights; land registration and titling; legal aid; women’s land rights; artisanal and small scale mining rights; human rights; environmental and natural resources related policies and laws; land based investment; climate change, constitutional law, public interest litigations; land-related institutional capacity building, and project and program management. She also has broader experience and understanding in mining, oil and gas policies and laws in relation to land compensation as well as artisanal and small-scale equitable mining rights.
Khadija has performed a number of interventions, such as drafting and review of the draft land, environment and natural resources chapter of the Tanzania’s 2015 proposed constitution; assessing magnitude of large scale mining projects impacts to land, environments and artisanal and small scale miners, and communities at large; assessed different proposed and existing laws and policies governing land, mining, oil and gas and other natural resources, institutional capacities in managing the bestowed resources; developed and implemented training materials on land rights, women land rights and environment in general; facilitating rural communities in visioning and valuation processes of their land, and make by-laws to safeguard community’s interest in land and related natural resources; undertaken different policy, legal and field researches on environmental, land, mining, oil and gas issues; conducted capacity building trainings on land rights and environment; and facilitating sensitization meeting to communities on land rights, environment as well as legal aid services provision.
Khadija is currently working on informing the public discourse on issues of women, men and youth land rights; promoting best practices on responsible investment in land; extractive industries connection to land; influencing policy reforms and programmatic interventions that implements the 2030 agenda. Conduct capacity building to gather, analyze, use and validate data collected to track progress on land rights commitments; convening stakeholders’ forums/workshops to leverage opportunities to advance change created by the agenda 2030.